FuturICT 2.0 seminar


FuturICT 2.0 intensiivpäev suurte ühiskondlike süsteemide mõistmisest ja haldamisest

Euroopa Komisjoni tulevikutehnoloogiate võrgustik FuturICT 2.0 vaatleb uusimaid infotehnoloogilisi võimalusi globaalprobleemide (sh kaasaegsete sotsiaalsete ja majanduslike kriiside) kompleksseks tajumiseks ning ennetavaks käsitlemiseks nutikate tehnoloogiate, haritud inimeste ning hästi funktsioneerivate kogukondade potentsiaali ühendamise abil (vt täpsemalt: https://futurict2.eu/). 
FuturICT 2.0 teaser:
Võrgustiku aastakoosoleku raames toimub teisipäeval, 28. augustil 2018 kell 14.00–18.00 teaduste akadeemias (Kohtu tn 6 Toompeal) avalik seminar: "Suurte ühiskondlike süsteemide mõistmine ja haldamine". Käsitlemisele tuleb lai teemadering: plokiahelatehnoloogia põllumajanduses, sotsiaalsete suhete nutikas juhtimine, mobiilpositsioneerimise võimalused migratsiooni ja segregatsiooni kirjeldamiseks, suurandmete haldamine riigi tasemel, inimsuhete juhtimise tehnoloogiate problemaatika jne.
Peaettekandjad: prof Anna Carbone (Politecnico di Torino), prof Stefan Klauser ja dr Marcus M. Dapp (ETH Zürich), dr Anto Aasa (Tartu ülikool), prof Egils Ginters (Riia tehnikaülikool).
Huvilistel palume registreerida hiljemalt reedel, 25. augustil 2018 e-posti aadressil:  eha.inkinen@akadeemia.ee (Eha Inkinen) või telefonil: 644 2149.
Seminar toimub inglise keeles.
Vt ajakava siit
FuturICT 2.0: Intense day on understanding and managing of complex, global, socially interactive systems
A European Commission network of future technologies – FuturICT 2.0 – addresses the innovative ICT means to find ways to understand and manage global challenges (including the social and economic crises of the modern society) by joining the potential of smart technologies, educated citizens and effective communities (see: https://futurict2.eu/).

As part of the 2018 General Assembly of the FuturICT2.0 adventure, a public seminar will be held on Tuesday, 28 August 14.00–18.00 at the Estonian Academy of Sciences (Kohtu 6, Tallinn): "Understanding and managing of complex, global, socially interactive systems". Blockchain technology in agrifood sector; smart coordination of social relations; highlighting segregation and quantifying mobility using mobile phone positioning; managing big data on national scale; issues of human coordination technology; etc., are a few of the topics to be addressed.
Keynote speakers: Prof Anna Carbone (Politecnico di Torino), Prof Stefan Klauser and Dr Marcus M. Dapp (ETH Zurich), Dr Anto Aasa (University of Tartu), Prof Egils Ginters (Riga Technical University).
Please register by Friday 25, August 2018 with Eha Inkinen: eha.inkinen@akadeemia.ee or 644 2149.
Working language of the seminar is English.




SESSION 1: Addressing the problems at their root

Blockchain beyond Finance 4.0: an overview of applications in the agrifood sector (Anna Carbone, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Smart human coordination: how Finance 4.0 is going to work (Stefan Klauser, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)The finance 4.0 sustem: smart human coordination for susteinability (Marcus M Dapp, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)Role of commitments and emotions for long-term relations; a modelling perspective (Tom Lenaerts, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Are gossips intrinsically negative? Hints from a simple agent model (Guillaume Deffuant, National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA), France)

SESSION 2: Implications from a social science and systemic perspective

Sand, sea-level and society: Complexity of the coast (Kevin Parnell, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia & James Cook University, Australia)
Use of mobile positioning data in mobility studies (Anto Aasa, University of Tartu, Estonia)Sociotechnical technologies acceptance and sustainability assessment (Egils Ginters, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
Managing big data on national scale: Infotechnological Mobility Observatory (Pilleriine Kamenjuk, University of Tartu, Estonia)
Customer support data mining and processing challenges in business organizations: case of electric power supply company (Janis Kapenieks, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
User behaviour data evaluation challenge in virtual learning environments (Viktors Zagorskis, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
Colour code method digitalization (Laura Dzelzkaleja, Riga Technical University, Latvia)