Estonian-Czech mobility projects call for years 2021-2023
9 applications were submitted to the Estonian-Czech Mobility Project Call 2021-2023. Applications are being evaluated.
70th Lindau Meeting (Interdisciplinary)
Kristjan Kalam (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics, Laboratory of Thin-Film Technology, Junior Research Fellow in Material Science) and Urmeli Katus (University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Dean's Office, Faculty of Medicine, Advisor, guideline development group) are invited to particiapte in the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (2020 Interdisciplinary #LINO20).
660 young scvientists from 101 countries are invited to the 70th anniversary of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. More information see here:
On 25th February 2020 the Riga Declaration was signed at the conference „Innovation - Power of the 21st Century” by representatives of leading universities and academies of sciences of countries around the Baltic Sea.
The main objective of the Riga Declaration is to strengthen scientific cooperation and innovation for further implementation of available and prospective outcomes derived from studies of the Baltic Sea in the context of Horizon Europe.
The Riga Declaration was signed by Professor Ojārs Spārītis, President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Professor Arvi Freiberg, Vice President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Professor Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Professor Risto Nieminen, President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks, Elected Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Sergei Kilin, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor Taina Tukiainen, Leader of the Smart Up Project Consortium, Aalto University, Markku Markkula, Vice-President of the European Committee of the Regions, Kristin Bakken, Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub Manager on behalf of Professor Eystein Jansen, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub and Professor Eugene Eteris, Expert of the European Commission Smart specialization platform.
Riga Declaration_1Riga Declaration_2
69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (physics) - a winner announced
Mr. Priidik Gallagher, Graduate Student (the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu) won the right to participate in the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting 30 June–5 July 2019.
The meeting’s key topics will be cosmology, laser physics and gravitational waves. Selected participants - 580 young scientists from 88 countries are outstanding undergraduates,
PhD Students and post-docs under age of 35, conducting research in the field of physics. Among the 42 participating laureates are the 2018 Nobel Laureates in Physics, Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou.
Since 1951, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings offer scientists numerous opportunities to inspire and network with one another. More information see
Estonian-Hungarian joint research projects: call for years 2019-2021
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and The Hungarian Academy of Sciences received 8 proposals for Joint Research Projects 2019-2021.
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2019-2021, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between the academies:
Prof. Valdis LAAN, Institute of Mathematics, University of Tartu
Dr. László Gyula MÁRKI, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Toomas RÕÕM, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Prof. Karlo PENC, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences
Akad Urmas VARBLANE, University of Tartu, Estonian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Miklós SZANYI, Institute of World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Helle METSLANG, Institute of the Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu
Prof. Beatrix OSZKÓ, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Estonian-Polish joint research projects call for years 2019-2021
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and The Polish Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2019-2021, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between the academies:
Prof Leho Tedersoo, University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences.
Dr Dominika Chmolowska, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof Aleksandr Luštštik, University of Tartu, Laboratory of Physics of Ionic Crystals.
Prof Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Dr Leeli Amon-Veskimeister, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Science, Department of Geology: Division
of Quaternary Geology.
Prof Mariusz Lamentowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Dr Arvo Kaldmäe, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Information Technologies: Department of Software
Prof Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Białystok University of Technology.
Dr Andrii Chub, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Engineering: Department of Electrical Power
Engineering and Mechatronics.
Prof Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology.
68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (physiology and medicine)
Three young researchers from Estonia won right to participate through a two-stage selection process, first the national competition, organised by the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and the following assessment by the scientific panel of the Lindau Meeting Council.
They were Uku Haljasorg (Postdoc, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Kristi Huik (Postdoc, National Institute for Health, USA) and Liis Lemsalu (PhD Student, University of Tartu, Junior Researcher, The National Institute for Health Development).
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings bring annually together Nobel laureates and young talents all over the world. 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting was dedicated to physiology and medicine and took place from 24–29 June 2018.
For more information see
Estonian-Bulgarian Joint Research Project Call 2018-2020
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2018-2020, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between academies:
Wide band gap oxide semiconductors for photovoltaic applications.
Atanas Katerski,Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Materials and Environmental Technology.
Maxim Ganchev, Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Synthesis and structural investigation of multifunctional materials – ceramics and alloys for their application.
Valdek Mikli, Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Materials and Environmental Technology.
Angelina Koleva Stoyanova-Ivanova, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Impact of intensification on carbonate, phosphate-silicate and sulfide/sulphate systems on their crystal-chemical properties.
Tiit Kaljuvee, Tallinn University of Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials.
Vladislav Kostov, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Dynamic boundaries in dynamic world. Tradition, religion and modernity.
Mare Kõiva, Estonian Literary Museum.
Ekaterina Anastasova, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Czech-Estonian Mobility Call 2018-2020
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Czech Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2018-2020, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between the academies:
Development of Nanophosphors and Thin Films for Optical Gas Sensing
Dr Raivo Jaaniso, University of Tartu, Institute of Physics
Dr Michal Novotný, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Non-invasive Sampling and Analysis of Body Fluids of Sportsmen for Optimization of Training Load
Prof Ruth Shimmo, Tallinn University, School of Natural Sciences and Health
Dr Petr Kubáň, Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Youth Political Participation in Post-Communist Europe
Prof Airi-Alina Allaste, The Institute of Governance, Law and Society, Tallinn University
Prof Tomáš Kostelecký, The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2017 call for applications closed
Founded in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership was created to recognize and promote talented women in science, to reduce gender inequality, to inspire the next generation of women. Since the launch of the programme, more than 2500 women researchers from over 112 countries have received support for building their career.
In 2017, outstanding Estonian woman researchers have an opportunity to join the programme: one fellowship of 6000 EUR will be awarded to a PhD under the age of 40 working in Estonia in the field of life and environmental sciences or physical sciences.
The call was open from 23 January 2017, with deadline on 7 March 2017. In total, 23 applications from Estonia were submitted. A jury established by the Estonian Academy of Sciences will evaluate the applications. The Fellowship Board, composed of the representative of L'Oreal Baltic, President of the Academy Tarmo Soomere and Chairperson of the Estonian National Commission of UNESCO Kristin Kuutma, will take the final decision.
The winner will be announced in the end of April; the winner will receive the award at the official ceremony that will be held in Riga, Latvia on May 26, 2017.
67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Chemistry; June 2017): national competition closed – a winner announced
As an academic partner of the Lindau Meetings, Estonian Academy of Sciences organised a national contest and singled out three bright young researchers. They were nominated for the next stage – an international competition where a review panel of the organising council would make the final selection of participants for the coming Meeting. Now the results have been made public: Mr. Gert Preegel (Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Tallinn University of Technology) will represent Estonia in Lindau.
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings bring annually together Nobel laureates and some 400 aspiring young talents all over the world under the motto “Educate. Inspire. Connect”. For more information, see
Estonian Academy of Sciences and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences signed a cooperation agreement
On 27-28 October 2016, the Estonian Academy of Sciences hosted a delegation of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, headed by President Akif Alizade who was accompanied by Vice President Ibrahim Guliyev, director of the Institute of Physics Nazim Mammadov, head of international relations Esmira Alirzayeva and head of public relations and science communication Zulfugar Farzaliyev. On 27 October, the delegation met President of the Estonian AS Tarmo Soomere, Vice President Mart Kalm, Secretary General Margus Lopp and Member of the Academy Dimitri Kaljo.
Signing ceremony: President Akif Alizade (on the right) and President Tarmo Soomere (on the left)
The Academies signed a scientific cooperation agreement, talked about their missions and activities, discussed potential fields of cooperation. H.E. Murad N. Najafbayli, Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Tallinn, also attended the event. During their stay, the delegation visited also Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University.
66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: fresh personal impressions
Since 1951, Nobel laureates and talented young researchers meet once a year in a small picturesque town of Lindau, Germany. In June 2016 the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (dedicated to physics and related fields of research) took place. Some 400 aspiring young researchers from all over the world met more than 30 Nobel Laureates, to exchange knowledge and ideas, to share their enthusiasm for science and to establish new contacts.
Through a two-stage selection process - first the national competition, organised by the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and the following assessment by the evaluation panel of the Lindau Meeting Council, Ms. Marta Tarkanovskaja, a PhD student (the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu) won the right to participate. Her participation was supported by the Foundation Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings conjointly with sponsors and by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
See the fresh personal impressions of our participant HERE
The lectures of Nobel laureates can be watched at:
Estonian-Hungarian joint research projects call for years 2016-2018
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2016-2018, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between the academies:
Contact-induced change in Finno-Ugric languages
Dr. Eva Katalin DEKANY, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Helle METSLANG, Institute of the Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with magnetoelectric and magnetic materials
Dr. Karlo PENC, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Toomas RÕÕM, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Spectroscopy of doped borates crystals for quantum optics and dosimetry
Dr. Gabor CORRADI, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Vitali NAGIRNYI, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Categorical equivalence in algebra
Dr. Laszlo MARKI, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Valdis LAAN, Institute of Mathematics, University of Tartu
Estonian-Polish joint research projects for years 2016-2018
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for a three-year period 2016-2018 under the agreement on scientific cooperation:
Communication styles: Developing a cross-cultural theoretical and methodological framework. Dr. hab. Dorota Brzozowska, University of Opole, Philological Department. Dr. Liisi Laineste, Estonian Literary Museum, Department of Folkloristics.
Studies of zooarchaeological evidence of Estonian and Polish archaeological sites – continuation. Dr. Piotr Wojtal, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Lembi Lõugas, Tallinn University, Institute of History.
Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on organic matter of forest soils. Prof. Dr. hab. Lech Wojciech Szajdak, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Tõnu Tõnutare, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Imprinted polymers, integrated with acoustic sensors, for cancer biomarker determination. Dr. Krzysztof Noworyta, Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Vitali Syritski, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Materials Science.
Power electronic transformer – an energy router for active power distribution grids. Dr. Ryszard Strzelecki, Gdynia Maritime University, Department of Ship Automation. Dr. Dmitri Vinnikov, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Algebraic tools and software for automatic control. Dr. Ülle Kotta, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology. Dr. Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science.
Multi-orbital superconductivity with anisotropic pairings. Dr. Grzegorz Litak, Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Teet Örd, University of Tartu, Institute of Physics.
MAJoRA: Multimodal anger and joy recognition by audiovisual information. Dr. Dorota Kamińska, Łódź University of Technology, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems. Dr. Gholamreza Anbarjafari, University of Tartu, Institute of Technology.
Ultrahigh pressure – spark plasma sintering of novel high temperature materials. Dr. Lucyna Jaworska, Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Krakow. Dr. Irina Hussainova, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Materials Engineering.
On the 21st April 2015, the Presidents of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Academies of Sciences signed a new Annex (Protocol) to the trilateral cooperation agreement. The signing was done in Jelgava (Latvia) within the programme of the XIV Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation, organised by the Latvian Academy of Sciences. The cooperation agreement (concluded in 1991) is put into practice by way of regularly renewed annexes that set the administrative and financial terms of cooperation - this time for years 2015-2017.
Advanced numerical modelling of dynamic processes in solids
Dr. Arkadi Berezovski, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology
Dr. Radek Kolman, Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Mito-DNA dynamics in neuronal development and bioenergetics in Wolfram Syndrome
Dr. Petr Ježek, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physiology
Dr. Michal Cagalinec, University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology
Advanced scintillation materials based on multicomponent garnet and silicate compounds
Dr. Svetlana Zazubovich, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Dr. Martin Nikl, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2013-2015, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between the academies:
Sociocultural aspects of linguistic variation in the Estonian and Hungarian language area
Dr. Csilla BARTHA, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Mari UUSKÜLA, Institute of the Estonian Language
Infrared, ESR and NMR spectroscopy of functional insulators in high magnetic fields and low temperatures
Dr. Karlo PENC, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Urmas NAGEL, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Recombination luminescence of doped borates: origin and application in dosimetry
Dr. Gabor CORRADI, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Vitali NAGIRNYI, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Thermal and mechanical phenomena in media with multiscale microstructure
Dr. Peter VAN, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Jüri ENGELBRECHT, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology
Categorical equivalence in algebra
Dr. Laszlo MARKI, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Kalle KAARLI, Institute of Mathematics, University of Tartu
Estonian-Polish joint research projects call for years 2013-2015
The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for a three-year period 2013-2015 under the agreement programme on scientific cooperation between the two academies:
Transition metal and rare-earth ions` spectroscopy in functional materials.
Prof. Andrzej Suchocki, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics.
Prof. Mikhail G. Brik, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu.
Smart power electronics arrangements and control methods for active power distribution grids.
Prof. Ryszard Strzelecki, Gdynia Maritime University, Department of Ship Automation.
Dr. Dmitri Vinnikov, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics.
Researches of soil matter decomposition kinetics and pathways by selected marker-compounds.
Prof. dr. hab. Lech Wojciech Szajdak, Doctor Honoris Causa, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment.
Prof. Raimo Kõlli, Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Institute of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Algebraic methods in nonlinear control.
Prof. Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science.
Prof. Ülle Kotta, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology.
Molecular composition of organic carbon in soil water systems.
Prof. dr. hab. Lech Wojciech Szajdak, Doctor Honoris Causa, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Viia Lepane, Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry.
Studies of zooarchaeological evidence of Estonian and Polish archaeological sites – continuation.
Dr. Piotr Wojtal, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Lembi Lõugas, Department of Archaeobiology and Ancient Technology, Institute of History, Tallinn University.
Kesterite Based Solar Cells by Chemical Methods.
Prof. Enn Mellikov. Department of Materials Science, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Maxim
Ganchev. Central Laboratory for Solar Energy and New Sources of Energy, Bulgarian Academy of
⁶˒⁷Li NMR with Ultrafast MAS: Structure of Li-ion Battery Electrodes.
Prof. Ago Samoson. Technomedicum, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Radostina Stoyanova.
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Tsunamis in Inland Seas (Black and Baltic Seas).
Dr. Irina Didenkulova. Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Boyko Ranguelov. Space and Solar-terrestial Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Sacral Space - Holy Places and Local Traditions (Bulgaria and Estonia).
Dr. Mare Kõiva. Estonian Literary Museum & Dr. Ekaterina Anastasova. Institute of Ethnology and
Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.