With the aim to fulfil its tasks, the Academy:
- Initiates, organises and co-ordinates scientific research;
- Develops international scientific co-operation and represents the Estonian science in international organisations;
- Publishes scientific and popular science issues;
- Furthers co-operation with universities and other research institutions and contributes to training of the new generations of scientists;
- Organises scientific colloquia, conferences, and meetings with papers delivered;
- Carries out contests of research works and awards prizes for scientific research works;
- Grants scholarships and research benefits to scientists and university students;
- Promotes the activity causing the science to be liked and esteemed;
- Counsels the Parliament, the Government of the Republic and the state institutions;
- Participates in drafting the legal acts relating to R&D activity;
- Participates, through the agency of its representatives, in the work of Estonian R&D institutions, foundations and decision making bodies and expert panels;
- Submits opinions regarding financing of the Estonian R&D activity and science organisation;
- Acts in furtherance of realisation of creative potential of scientists and protect their rights.