Bilateral exchange programmes
The Estonian Academy of Sciences fosters international mobility of researchers and aims at facilitating scientific networking. The agreements on scientific co-operation signed with partner institutions – mostly Academies – in other countries more than 30 allow the EAS to draw on goodwill and experience of partners in shaping its own strategies and co-operation tools.
On the basis of bilateral agreements the EAS runs a scientific exchange programme, hosting on average 80 visiting researchers per year and nominating approximately the same number of Estonian scientists and scholars per year for study and conference visits abroad.
Bilateral exchange scheme is a cost-sharing co-operation instrument – the hosting Academy covers the living costs of visiting researchers nominated by sending partner Academies (see
the contacts list). The funding for hosting the visitors is drawn from the budget of the EAS. However, the EAS welcomes visits to all Estonian public universities and research institutions. Estonian researchers are eligible to apply for study visits abroad, irrespective of their affiliation – quality of the application is the main criterion. Reciprocal visits between teams collaborating within joint research projects are encouraged as a priority.
Council for International Exchanges, composed of the representatives of the EAS and major Estonian public universities (see
here), supervises the programme. The Foreign Relations Unit of the EAS is responsible for the management of the day-to-day work.
Ülle Raud
Head of Cooperation
Tel: +372 645 1925 (office); +372 50 42659 (mobile)
Fax: +372 645 1829
Kohtu 6, 10130 Tallinn