Jarek Kurnitski

Engineering, elected 2018

Adjunct Professor, Aalto University (since 2013)
Professor of Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Environment, Tallinn University of Technology (since 2015)
Director, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tallinn University of Technology (since 2017)

Born on 22 October 1970
1988 Väike-Õismäe Gymnasium
1990 Tallinn University of Technology
1995 MSc in structural engineering and building physics, Helsinki University of Technology
2000 PhD in HVAC-technology, Helsinki University of Technology

Contact address:
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Tel: +372 620 2406
E-mail: jarek.kurnitski@taltech.ee

See also: CV in Estonian Research Information System ETIS