Mechanics, elected 1990
President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (1994-2004)
Professor emeritus, Tallinn University of Technology (since 2016)
Born on August 1, 1939 in Tallinn
1957 Tallinn Secondary School No. 7
1962 Tallinn Technical University
1968 Cand.Sc. (PhD) in engineering
1982 D.Sc. in physics and mathematics
1984 Professor
1987 Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Italy) - foreign member
1990 Estonian Academy of Sciences - member
1996 Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea - member
1996 Latvian Academy of Sciences - foreign member
1998 Hungarian Academy of Sciences - honourable member
1998 Gothenburg Royal Society of Sciences and Arts - foreign member
1999 Dr.hc Budapest Technical University
2001 World Innovation Foundation - fellow
2004 Academia Europaea - fellow
2005 President of ALLEA
2007 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - foreign member
2010 World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) - fellow
2010 Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa - foreign member
Short CV
Contact address:
Akadeemia tee 21b
12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Tel: +372 620 4160
Fax: +372 620 4151
See also: CV in Estonian Research Information System ETIS